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(Video) Watch This Feisty Shiba Inu Puppy Funniest Way Of Expressing Her Dislike For Fidget Spinners!

Have you ever wonder what does fidget spinners does? They say that this thing are are used and supposed to RELIEVE stress, but this feisty Shiba Inu couldn’t possibly disagree more! ? This feisty Shiba Inu puppy adorably takes out her frustration with Fidget Spinner Craze by expressing herself the funniest way possible! Check out the video below! This pup is so funny! 😀

Kiba the Shiba Inu  has the funniest way of expressing her dislike for fidget spinners!

The hilarious video has captured the moment a feisty Shiba Inu expresses her dislike for fidget spinners by Paolo Zoratti her owner, after he gave in to the latest craze and purchased fidget spinners for his children.

Paolo’s eldest daughter Lotti, then decided to spin the fidget on the ground and then right at that moment they discovered that Kiba was not a fan of the latest craze!

Her reacton upon seeing the spinner is just to funny and oh so cute to handle!

Check out this awesome video and see this feisty Shiba Inu puppy funniest way of expressing her dislike for fidget spinners!admin-ajax

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Watch the video and see this feisty Shiba Inu puppy funniest way of expressing her dislike for fidget spinners!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, VideoHive Envato for sharing this awesome video!