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(Video) Watch As These Cutie Little Shih Tzu Puppies Adorably Do The Harlem Shake Puppy Style!

Harlem Shake craze may now be over, but for these cutie pies it’s a big NO NO! All these cutie little Shih Tzu puppies wanted to get in on the Harlem Shake craze! Oh well, as the saying goes “It’s better late then never!”. Check out the video below and see as these cutie little Shih Tzu puppies adorably do the harlem shake puppy style!

There are so many versions of the Harlem Shake video online, but this one here is the cutest  ever!

This perfect little video of puppies doing Harlem shake is just too adorable and cute to handle! Aww! How can anyone not love these puppies?! Right!? 🙂

These cutie pies surely do knows how to move it! They are too adorable!

Check out this awesome video and see as these cutie little Shih Tzu puppies adorably do the harlem shake puppy style!admin-ajax

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Watch the video and see as these cutie little Shih Tzu puppies adorably do the harlem shake puppy style!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, Jonathan Joly   for sharing this awesome video!