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(Video) Watch As This Cute Little Corgi Puppy Pretends To Sleep! Or Does He Just Want To Sleep More? Find Out And See For Yourself!

This cute little Corgi puppy looks so tired, that no matter how his owner tries to wake him up, he did not want to get out of bed! Instead this little cutie lazily tossed and turned under his polka dots blanket as his owner watched him. This pup is just so adorable and cute you’ll surely watch his video more than once! 

No matter where you are or what you are doing, this cute little puppy’s video will surely make you want to get snuggled up for a nap time! Is this pup wanting to sleep more “OR” he is just pretending? Well, there is only one way to find out! Watch the video!

Well, we all get those time when all we want to do is lay down in our comfy bed with our warm blanket. We all get those days when we feel so tired and sleepy, that no one can ever dare to wake us up. And this cutie little pup is obviously not exempted!

All cuddled up in his pink polka-dot blanket, this little cutie surely doesn’t want to wake up for some reason and we think his owner will need to take some time to get him out of his comfy polka dots blanket!

Check out this awesome video and see as this cute little Corgi puppy pretends to sleep or is it he just really wants to sleep more?!



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Cutie Little Corgi Puppy Pretends To Sleep Or He Really Wants To Sleep More 1

Cutie Little Corgi Puppy Pretends To Sleep Or He Really Wants To Sleep More 2

Cutie Little Corgi Puppy Pretends To Sleep Or He Really Wants To Sleep More 3

Watch the video and see as this cute little Corgi puppy pretends to sleep or is it he really just wants to sleep more?

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, DailyPicksandFlicks for sharing this awesome video!