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(Video) Watch As These Adorable Shar Pei Puppies Meet And Get Surprise By A Giant Mechanical Ant!

These bunch of Shar Pei puppies met and got surprise by a giant mechanical toy ant! Their reaction are so priceless! And when they started to understand that the giant mechanical toy ant is harmless, they get more relaxed and playful! And then at the end the braves Shar Pei puppy took the giant mechanical toy ant into it’s shelter! AWW! These pups are so cute! Check out the video below!

An adorable bunch of wrinkly-faced Shar Pei puppies has met and was surprised by a giant mechanical toy ant at their home.  They are so cute jumping around and barking.

But after a few minutes, you can see how they got so curious about the toy and started to examining it. They look so cute as they line up one by one and stare. AWW! Maybe they are wondering why is that ant so big and got afraid that the toy ant will bite them. 😀

These puppies are too cute!

Check out this awesome video and see as these adorable Shar Pei puppies meet and get surprise by a giant mechanical ant!

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Watch the video and see as these adorable Shar Pei puppies meet and get surprise by a giant mechanical ant!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, Fabulous Mr. Pug for sharing this awesome video!