(Video) Watch As Ava The Funny Sharpei Won’t Stop Tapping Her Mom Until She Gets Her Full Attention!
|We all love our dogs because they are loyal, affectionate, thoughtful, and sweet. But there are some dogs who are sweeter than most, we are telling you they tend to be very clingy too! These are the type of dogs who want your attention all day, every day! Just like Ava the funny Sharpei who seemed to not having any intention on stopping tapping her mom until she gets her full attention! Check out the video below! Such a cutie!
The dog in the video below is definitely a sweet dog. Her name is Ava and she’s indeed a beautiful Sharpei.
But whenever Ava wants attention from her loving owner, she intends to get it. And no one can stop her! And when we say “no one” we mean no one not even a yummy treat can stop her from getting the attention she’s seeking!
As you watch the video below, you’ll see how this cutie pie won’t stop tapping her mom, until she gets the attention she wants. No matter what her mom is doing, she wants her to drop everything and pay attention to her.
This cutie pie will surely make your day, you dont want to miss this!
Check out the video below and see as Ava the funny Sharpei won’t stop tapping her mom until she gets her full attention!
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Watch the video and see as Ava the funny Sharpei won’t stop tapping her mom until she gets her full attention!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Ava the Tapping Pei for sharing this awesome video!