(Video) Watch “Ziggy” and “Gwyn” Border Collie Pup and Dog Playing Together For The Very First Time!
|Ziggy the little one is 8 weeks old and Gwyn the bigger dog is 5 years old. They are both Border Collies, this video is taken from a few days after the owner brought his new puppy (Ziggy) home. After several days of careful introductions with these two adorable dogs, they started to play with each other for the first time! Watch the video and meet “Gwyn” and “Ziggy” the adorable Border Collie puppy playing together for the very first time!
Border Collies personality is characteristically alert, hardworking, and energetic. They learn quickly, so quickly that it’s sometimes difficult to keep them challenged.
They are very smart, and active workaholics that must always have something to do. They are an excellent watchdog, and are very people oriented that makes them wonderful family dogs.
Border Collies are loyal, trainable, and have an oversupply of energy. They are very intelligent and aware of their surroundings. They are perfectionist s with a permanent will to please. These dogs live for serving you day in and day out.
Check out this awesome video and meet “Ziggy” and “Gwyn” Border Collies playing together for the very first time!
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Watch the video and see “Ziggy” and “Gwyn” playing together for the very first time!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Gwyddion91 for sharing this awesome video!