(Video) Watch As Skippy The Very Charming Shih Tzu Pup Adorably Begs A LOT for a Cookie
|Skippy seems to really love to have the carrot cake cookies! And no one can stop him from begging! This very charming Shih Tzu pup surely could teach everyone a lesson on how to adorably beg for a treat! Check out the video below!
We all know that pups are expert when it comes to begging. They just show us their best begging face, along with those irresistible puppy eyes. And then what, we puppy lovers are powerless!
But the pup in the video however has an additional move to make begging a little bit more adorable and effective! What’s that move? Well this pup just simply added some cute hand movements to it!
Skippy seems to love to have one of those carrot cookies! He loves it so much he adorably begs for it! He sits and then does his adorable paw gestures, showing his owner that he wants some of that delicious carrot cookie sitting on the table! This pup is just so cute and funny!
Somebody give Skippy a cookie! We think this pup absolutely deserves to have one!
Check out this awesome video and see as Skippy the very charming Shih Tzu pup adorably begs a lot for a cookie!
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Watch the video and see as Skippy the very charming Shih Tzu pup adorably begs a lot for a cookie!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Andy Buckner for sharing this awesome video!