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(Video) Watch As Rosie The Talkative Bloodhound Puppy Talks At Dinner Time To Get Some Of Her Favorite Food!

Dogs all seem to have their own special way to demand something from their owners, most especially when it comes to their favorite food. And this Bloodhound puppy named Rosie is indeed a living proof and will prove that nothing and no one can stop a hungry dog from getting what he/she wants! Check out the video below and see as Rosie the talkative Bloodhound puppy talks at dinner time to get some of her favorite food!

It looks like this adorable pup named Rosie wont stop until she gets want she wants.

As you watch the video below you’ll see Rosie adorably looking at his owner and begging him to give him some of his favorite food. But it seems to look like his owner is having a good time teasing him by not giving him what he is asking for.

And so what did Rosie do? She talks/bark nonstop and hilariously express his feelings on not being able to get some of his favorite food.. Oh poor cutie pie. Can someone just give him what he wanted!

Check out this awesome video and see as Rosie the talkative Bloodhound puppy talks at dinner time to get some food!admin-ajax

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Watch the video and see as Rosie the talkative Bloodhound puppy talks at dinner time to get some food!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, hawkhounds for sharing this awesome video!