(Video) Watch As Rex The Pool Diving Boxer Dog Dives To The Bottom Of Pool – “The Deep End Of The Pool”
|Rex the pool diving Boxer dog seems to really love diving all the way to the bottom of a swimming pool to play and get his toy. Well then, we guess this amazing pup has discovered a fun way to stay cool in hot weather huh. Way to go Rex! Check out the video below and see Rex the pool diving Boxer dog as he dives to the bottom of the pool!
Some dogs are afraid of the water. While some dogs are not and will dive in right away for a toy. And not all have the courage to retrieve toys that sink from the deep end of the pool!
And so this is where Rex the pool diving Boxer dog comes in to the picture! This dog really does seem to love being underwater, he without hesitation dives repeatedly to get his toy.
This cute dog is undoubtedly a great swimmer and a diver too huh!
Check out this awesome video and see Rex the pool diving Boxer dog repeatedly diving to the bottom of the pool!
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Watch the video and see Rex the pool diving Boxer dog as he dives to the bottom of the pool!
Learn how to teach your dog to love water and swimming by clicking this link: HOW TO TEACH YOUR DOG TO LOVE WATER & SWIMMING
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, RexThePoolDivingBoxerDog for sharing this awesome video!