(Video) Watch What Peanut The Adorable Mini Dachshund Puppy Does When Her Mom Tries To Wake Him Up!
|All of the other dogs are up and ready to go outside, but Peanut the adorable mini Dachshund puppy here has some other plans. This is so cute and funny! Check out the video below and see what Peanut the adorable mini Dachshund puppy does when his Mom tries to convince him to get out of bed! 🙂
Peanut’s brothers are eager to go outside, but this cute mini Dachshund is such a sleepy head and doesn’t want to get out of his bed.
Though there is mass chaos going on around him because of his big brother and sisters walking all around him, she could care less, she just want to stay in bed! 😀
The cutie pie is indeed a definition of how we feel about Monday mornings! And we must admit, Peanut is absolutely one of the cutest, sweetest, most adorable puppies EVER! 🙂
Check out this awesome video and see what Peanut the adorable mini Dachshund puppy does when her Mom tries to wake him up!
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Watch the video and see what Peanut the adorable mini Dachshund puppy does when her Mom tries to wake him up!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, pharaoz09 for sharing this awesome video!