(Video) Watch Mac The Adorable Corgi Puppy’s Hilariously Reaction To His Sister Lacie’s Puppy Fart!
|Mac the adorable Corgi is just starting to getting to know his new sister Lacie. But these two seem to have gotten into a sibling argument right away! Why? Oh well, it’s because Lacie decided to play dirty by hilariously farting! And we must say Mac’s reaction is undoubtedly priceless! Check out the video below!
Mac the adorable Corgi puppy has just met his baby sister Lacie and is trying to get to know her.
Mac gets a little too close to Lacie’s rear end and boom game over. ? What happen? Suddenly Lacie decided to throw a puppy fart! 😀 In just 30 seconds, you’ll see the best reaction ever. LOL!
This is too funny for words!!! You seriously can’t miss this one! 😀
Check out this awesome video and see as Mac the adorable Corgi puppy’s hilariousl reaction to his sister Lacie’s puppy fart!
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Watch the video and see as Mac the adorable Corgi puppy’s hilariousl reaction to his sister Lacie’s puppy fart!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, TBL4 for sharing this awesome video!