(Video) Watch As Benny The Funny English Bulldog Plays Peek-A-Boo
|We all probably have played the game called peek-a-boo with our dogs before, either we get a look of real excitement or an absolute confused look back. But have you ever seen your dog actually playing peekaboo back? If not, then that’s exactly what Benny the Bulldog does when he’s bored! Watch the video below and see as Benny the funny English Bulldog plays peek-a-boo! What a wrinkly cutie! Enjoy!
This adorable English Bulldog has discovered a great game! This game is normally played with toddlers but playing it with a pup is a totally different and adorable story!
Benny slowly raises his head from under a coffee table to meet the stare of his owner, before lowering his head back again and doing it all over again.
What’s funny is that he seems to be enjoying this fun new game he just discovered! He proved he too can enjoy a game of peek-a-boo as he played with his owner, who captured and recorded the moment on video.
We’re not sure how one wins a game of peekaboo, exactly, but what we do know is that this little guy won our hearts!
Check out this awesome video and see as Benny the funny English Bulldog plays peek-a-boo!
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Watch the video and see as Benny the funny English Bulldog plays peek-a-boo!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Benny The Bulldog for sharing this awesome video!