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(Video) Watch As This Adorable Pug Shows How Much He Hates Being Weighed

Whenever this adorable Pug see’s a scale, her reaction is priceless! In fact she hate the scale so much that she jumps, barks at it and even bite it! Check out the video below and see how much this adorable Pug hates being weighed!

Just like us humans this Pug hates being weighed.  She hate being weighed so much that when she sees a scale, she jump on it, barks at it and even bites it!

Oh poor chubby pug, we feel and understand you! You probably doesn’t like being on a diet huh! But one way or another you can’t escape the fact the you really do need to go on a diet.

We hope you’ll soon overcome your weighed scale problem!

Check out this awesome video and see how much this adorable Pug hates being weighed!admin-ajax

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Adorable Pug Shows How Much He Hates Being Weighed 1

Adorable Pug Shows How Much He Hates Being Weighed 2

Adorable Pug Shows How Much He Hates Being Weighed 3

Adorable Pug Shows How Much He Hates Being Weighed 4

Watch the video and see how much this adorable Pug hates being weighed!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you, Kyoot Animals for sharing this awesome video!