(Video) Watch As This Adorable Boxer Dog Adorably Lets His Owner Knows That He Wants His Dinner Served On Time!
|Tyson the adorable Boxer dog doesn’t want his dinner to be served late and so he made sure that his owners knows exactly how he feels about it! And his owners don’t mind him complaining.:D Check out the video below and see as this adorable Boxer dog adorably lets his owner knows that he wants his dinner served on time! 😀
This adorable Boxer named Tyson want’s his dinner to be served on time.
And so when his owner forgot to serve his precious dinner at exactly 5:30 pm this cutie pie just can’t hide how he feels about it and made a hilariously confrontation with his owners!
Silly, right? Oh well, he’s got quite the personality! 😀 This dog is so funny and too adorable to resist! 🙂
Check out this awesome video and see as this adorable Boxer dog adorably lets his owner knows that he wants his dinner served on time!
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Watch the video and see as this adorable Boxer dog adorably lets his owner knows that he wants his dinner served on time!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Rumble Viral for sharing this awesome video!