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(Video) This Cute Little Rescue French Bulldog Is So Spoiled And Totally Deserves It!

This adorable cute little rescued French Bulldog and her mom are inseperable! The story of this adorable pooch and her mom was so inspiring! You surely dont want to miss this! Scroll down and check out the video below!

This precious pooch  named Beth call all the shots. Its seem that this cutie pie is a real diva.

According to her mom this cutie pie, doesnt want to be botherd whenever she’s asleep in the morning and she will not leave the park until she decide on her own that she wants to.

This precious pooch loves to run around, and when she became really excited about somehthing she always tens to go in full throttle and does some rolls! Or  just stand and then look at you and all of a sudden hilariously stop drop and roll.

Beth was a rescued puppy, and has gone through so much..And so we think that she totally deserves to be spoilled by her owner.

This little cutie’s face is undeniably so cute! Indeed was born to be a diva!

Check out this awesome video and see as the inspiring and heart melthing story of this precious pooch!admin-ajax


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Watch the video and see the inspiring and heart melthing story of this precious pooch!

All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video

Thank you,  The Dodo for sharing this awesome video!