(Video) Puppy Vs Stairs: Meet Dakota The Cutest Husky Puppy And Watch Her Battle Her Fears Of Walking Down The Stairs
|Have you ever had a reasonable fear over something? Well, this poor little husky named Dakota feels extremely afraid of going down the stairs and this video proves it! This is quite possibly one of the cutest husky puppy videos ever! Watch the video below and see little Dakota battle with her fears of walking down the stairs!
This little Siberian husky puppy, named Dakota, wants nothing to do with the stairs and her owner is doing all he can to change it. According to the video her owner uploaded, no amount of food bribery was going to bring the husky puppy down the stairs.
Dakota’s complaining is just too cute and adorable! And the look of those facial expressions… Will surely make you “Awww!”.
Oh well, we hope soon she’ll get the hang of it but for now, her owner will have to carry her down like a princess. Oh what a cutie! We doubt that you will find puppies as cute as the little husky puppy standing at the top of the stairs adorably trying to overcome her fears.
Check out this awesome video and see little Dakota battle with her fears of walking down the stairs!
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Watch the video and see little Dakota battle with her fears of walking down the stairs!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Paul Mather for sharing this awesome video!