(Video) Watch As This Charming Corgi Puppy Adorably Smiles Really Big For A Selfie
|Most puppy owners can’t get their pup to stay still for a quick selfie. But this woman here has not only gets her pup to stay still and look at the camera, but the pup instead shows a huge smile, too! Check out the video below and see as this charming Corgi puppy adorably smiles really big for a selfie!
The woman in the video below decided to take a picture selfie and poses with his precious pooch.
But what happens next is not what she expected! Her precious pooches all of a sudden poses a huge smile right when her owner click the camera. Is that a real smile? or this pup is annoyed by his owner and so if made that facial expression? Either way this pup is just too cute and adorable to handle!
Of course this is not the first time you will see a pup going all out smile. But hey we too did not expect to see the face he made! Such a cutie!
Check out this awesome video and see as this charming Corgi puppy adorably smiles really big for a selfie!
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Watch the video and see as this charming Corgi puppy adorably smiles really big for a selfie!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, America’s Funniest Home Videos for sharing this awesome video!