(Video) Watch As Pixie The Adorable Jack Russell Terrier Adorably Swims Under Water In A Pool
|Pixie the adorable Jack Russel Terrier seems to love water so much that every time she sees a pool, she without hesitations swims underwater! It looks like this pup is a much better swimmer than any of us, huh! Check out the video below and see as Pixie the adorable Jack Russell Terrier adorably swims under water in a pool!
This adorable pup really loves water!
As you watch the video below, you can see that his owner is holding him and then sets him free to swim in the pool. And because Pixie loves water so much, without thinking twice she adorably swims across the pool! This pup is such an amazing swimmer!
What’s even amazing is that after crossing the pool for the first time, she jumps right onto the water again for the second time and swim all by herself without asking any help from her owner! And then for the third time she dives underwater and get her precious ball and crab toy. And oops she not done yet! For the fourth time she also adorably ride and balance in a skateboard!
Aww! This pup is so awesome, surely every dog lover will love to have pup like Pixie!
Her owner even proudly said “It is so beautiful and cute to see a dog swim underwater. My dog Pixie is really running underwater and she loves to swim.”..
Check out this awesome video and see as Pixie the adorable Jack Russell Terrier adorably swims under water in a pool!
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Watch the video and see as Pixie the adorable Jack Russell Terrier adorably swims under water in a pool!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Les Wauz for sharing this awesome vide