(Video) Watch As Adorable Crusoe & Oakley The Dachshunds Play Hockey Like Pros!
|Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund and his brother, Oakley, are back making us giggle with their incredible undying charm! Watch the video below and see as adorable Crusoe & Oakley the Dachshunds play hockey like pros! How cool is that!?
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund and his brother Oakley went up against each other for a game of ball hockey.
Equipped with their amazing ability and muscular build, these two adorable dogs are really having an intense game! Their costumes and sticks are also very admirable too! Their owners surely did a great job creating those!
It’s so impossible not to laugh as you watch these adorable pups run with excitement around like they’re pooch versions of Gretsky. So cute!
Check out this awesome video and see as adorable Crusoe & Oakley the Dachshunds play hockey like pros!
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Watch the video and see as adorable Crusoe & Oakley the Dachshunds play hockey like pros!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund for sharing this awesome video!