(Video) Mom And Dad Watching Their Newborn Puppy Through The Glass Door As The Little Pup Begs To Be Outside With Them!
|These two dogs watch their new baby puppy barking through the glass door and look a little sad that they can’t have their new born puppy outside. The charming as well as energetic puppy seems to just want to play and have fun with Mom and Dad outside! But their owner won’t allow him. Will this cute little pup ever get to make it outside? Watch the video and see as he adorably begs to be outside with his Mom and Dad!
In this video, the two dog parents watch their new puppy barking which intends to get their attention through the sliding glass door.
While they were getting ready to romp around outside, suddenly their cute and energetic little pup barks and seems to be begging to go with them outside. Aww, all this poor little cutie wants is to play with his Mom and Dad!
O well don’t worry, the tiny little pup was joyfully reunited with his Mom and Dad just moments later, and got the attention and love all puppies need and should get. As a sidenote, check how the family cat is looking on in the background, one big happy family!
Check out this awesome video and see this little cutie as he adorably begs to be outside with his Mom and Dad!
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Watch the video and see this little cutie as he adorably begs to be outside with his Mom and Dad!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Kyoot Animals for sharing this awesome video!