(Video) Watch As Sonny The Clever Shih Tzu Puppy Adorably Distinguish 10 Different Colors!
|Shih Tzus are known for being smart and curious, but Sonny the Wonder Dog is not just smart and curious, but amazingly talented as well. This cutie pie was able to identify a whole range of colors and can even answer questions like “What color is the sky?” with perfect accuracy. Like us you too will surely get blown away by Sonny, who’s by the way also pretty cute and oh so adorable. Aww! Indeed some dogs just have it all! Scroll down and check out the video below!
Sonny the adorable dog in the video below can identify colors! In fact, he probably knows the all the colors better than some human students.
In the video below you’ll see Sonny adorably identifying the colors one by one, you will surely feel amused like us whenever his mom says “Good job Sonny!” he barks, as if to agree with her.
We indeed are completely impressed by Sonny’s ability to learn color. And because Sonny is so bright, smart and oh so adorable his Mom praises him and gives him treats whenever he answers her right. This is so cute! Enjoy watching!
Check out this awesome video and see as Sonny the clever Shih Tzu puppy adorably distinguish 10 different colors!
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Watch the video and see as Sonny the clever Shih Tzu puppy adorably distinguish 10 different colors!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, SonnytheWonderDog for sharing this awesome video!