(Video) Watch As This Cute Little Corgi Puppy Adorably Barks At A Mug With A Corgi On It!
|This cutie little Corgi Puppy named Pool Noodle has an intense dislike over a mug! And it’s not just a simple mug, he hates this mug that has a corgi puppy on it! Whenever this cutie pie sees the mug that has a corgi on it, you’ll see the confusion on his adorable face and then hilariously barks at the poor mug! This is so funny! Check out the video below!
This cutie pie has a problem with a mug, and there is nothing that can make him change his mind of disliking the poor mug!
Whenever Pool Noodle the cute little Corgi puppy’s owner takes out the mug with a corgi puppy picture on it and teased him, he always makes sure that his owner knows how much he hates seeing the mug by barking and showing his owner his confused adorable face! 😀
This is probably the cutest and most adorable puppy ever! And funny too! Such a cutie!
Check out this awesome video and see as this cute little Corgi puppy adorably barks at a mug with a corgi on it!
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Watch the video and see as this cute little Corgi puppy adorably barks at a mug with a corgi on it!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, areyouawkward for sharing this awesome video!