(Video) Watch As These Two Cute Mini Dachshunds Adorably Shows How Excited They Are For Bath Time!
|Most dogs dislike what these two dogs can’t wait to get to! These two cute mini Dachshunds can’t wait for the gate to open. Watch what happens when the gate opens for these two adorable and very excited Dachshunds! You’ll surely NEVER expect what these two are after for! Check out the video below and see as these two cute mini Dachshunds adorably shows how excited they are for bath time! Yes you read it right, these two loves bath time and they’re too cute too handle!
These two cute mini Dachshunds are excited to run up the stairs and jump in the tub! They are so happy and excited about bath time, and so their owner let them run up and jump in the tub, but of course with her guidance! 🙂
She even wrote on the video’s description, “They get so happy about bath time I let them run up and jump in this once. Again, I let them run up this ONCE. I love my pups and yes I indeed carry them up the stairs when it’s time for a bath. They are mostly only upstairs for baths.”
It’s always best to be safe, but how lovely it is to see how happy and excited these two adorable puppies are for bath time! 🙂 Cuties! 🙂
Check out this awesome video and see as these two cute mini Dachshunds adorably shows how excited they are for bath time!
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Watch the video and see as these two cute mini Dachshunds adorably shows how excited they are for bath time!
All pictures courtesy of Screen captures from the Youtube Video
Thank you, Alejandra554 for sharing this awesome video!